An independent guide to building modern software for serverless and native cloud

Connected Car Overview

Solution Guide

The Connected Car solution is a set of APIs, processing logic, and database storage all designed to serve as sample code for different courses on this site. Functionally, the solution is a service for an imagined car manufacturer that supports real-time vehicle event reporting, customer service bookings via smart phone, and administration of customers, vehicles, time slots, and appointments. There are multiple variants available for this solution, written in different languages and running on different cloud platforms.

Dedicated APIs for Each Client Application

The solution is designed to support three different client applications: one for administrators running a web application on the desktop; one for customers running a mobile app; and one for vehicle infotainment systems. As the diagram below shows, each client application is provided with a dedicated API.

These three APIs are each secured in a different way to demonstrate the features of managed API services. So, the admin API is secured using fixed API keys, while the customer API is secured using OAuth 2.0 tokens, and the vehicle API is secured using vehicle custom VIN and PIN credentials in the HTTP headers.

Solution Variants

Currently, there are two variants of this solution, both used as sample code for the Learning AWS Serverless course. In the future there will be additional variants demonstrating containerized APIs in AWS, as well as equivalent Azure variants.

See the Connected Car Variants document linked at the bottom of this page for more details about the variants that are available for this solution.