An independent guide to building modern software for serverless and native cloud

Connected Car Variants

Solution Guide

As we noted in the Overview document, there are multiple variants of this solution, written in different languages and targeting different cloud platforms. Here are the two variants currently available, both of which are used as sample code in the Learning AWS Serverless course.

AWS Connected Car (Java Serverless)

This variant is deployed to AWS, using the API Gateway, Cognito, Lambda, and DynamoDB services as the core building blocks. It includes a full set of CloudFormation deployment templates that can be used to create stacks via Z shell or PowerShell scripts. This variant also includes a build pipeline that can be deployed to AWS to in turn deploy the solution from its Github repositories.

In this variant, the Lambdas are all written in Java, and these Lambdas are configured in SAM templates that reference the Java class names. These Lambdas don't contain data access code for DynamoDB themselves, instead invoking service components which you'll find in the "core" repository.

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AWS Connected Car (.Net Serverless)

The .Net variant for AWS Serverless is very similar to the above variant, except that it's written in C# instead of Java. Otherwise it implements all the same APIs, accesses the same DynamoDB tables, and is deployed to AWS in the same way as the Java variant.

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